Wellness tips for Stress & the Holidays
Amanda Hester-SmithI don't know about you, but the Holidays tend to induce a stress response like nothing else. There's so much to factor in, from finances to travel to how to navigate the food and drinks of the seasonal menu. So here are some sweet little wellness tips to move through the season with as little stress as possible.
In Ayurveda we treat through diet, lifestyle and herbs. The golden rule of ayurveda is, "like attracts like and opposites heal". This is ingrained in our human nature. If you are cold, you put on a sweater, if you are parched, you get a glass of water and so on. Using this rule of thumb, we intuitively know what we need and when. This also applies on a grander scale. If the weather trends dry, you water the garden, if it's cold and dark, you light a fire. So seasonally speaking, there are some general applications.
Diet: Warm lemon water first thing in the morning is the best way to start the day. Not only is it perfect for warming the gut up, it helps boost digestion and clear the mind.
Focus on whole foods, whole grains, whole veggies, clean organic meats and fresh fruits. In other words, limit processed foods.
Avoid overindulgence. Sure, a piece of pie, a glass of wine, but let's leave it at that. We are being social, we are being festive but we have the wisdom that allows us to be responsible.
Lifestyle: breathe breathe breathe!
LSD breaths or long slow deep breaths bring us back to the moment, back into our body and back to ourselves. The breath holds so much power when utilized correctly.
Box breath - inhale for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4, exhale for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4. This is a common method used to bring mental calm. If you're thinking about counting your breath, you're NOT thinking about all the stuff you have to do and people you have to please, right?
Self oil massage (abyangha) - This practice is so important for overall health. Particularly in the Fall and Winter months. I like to travel with a little 2 oz bottle of prepared oil. Of course in a pinch you can always use plain sesame oil or even olive oil. The benefits of this practice are both emotional and physical and very helpful in times of stress or instability. You can do this either in your morning routine or your bedtime routine.
The most important parts of the body to cover in this practice are the head, feet and ears.
Herbs: When we talk about mitigating stress we must ALWAYS lean toward adaptogens. This is their strength afterall.
Top holiday Adaptogens
Ashwagandha - This root is incredible for grounding us. It calms the spirit in times of anxiety and stress. Sometimes, traveling or being with family or whatever our situation may be, can leave us feeling frazzled. If you tend to feel overwhelmed and scattered at the holidays, then this may be your adaptogen. Thank goodness you can find this one in our Kapow Cacao!
Turmeric - Although not technically an adaptogen, we love turmeric for so many reasons. One of them being its anti-inflammatory properties. Easing inflammation around the holidays is a key componnet to well-being. If you feel achy from traveling or digestive upset from heavy meals, turmeric may be just what you need and you might want to check out our Totally Turmeric.
Holy Basil - Also known as Tulsi this is one of my favorites, especially for my Kapha clients. It has a wonderful ability to uplift the spirits if the holidays have you feeling down. It reduces blood sugar levels and decreases brain fog. Not to mention, it is one of the best adaptogens for allergies!!
Reishi - Generally speaking, the body craves routine and stability. If you are traveling, eating differently, absorbing different climates or placing your body under any new stressors, then we have to pay attention to what this all does to the immune system. Stabelizing the immune system is the least we could do to protect ourselves. Enter...REISHI! When I think of reishi, I can't help but think of Emperors because they employed this mushroom specifically for its ability to keep them healthy in the face of all their stresses. If you tend to get sick under stress, reishi may be your new go to and you can find it in our Kapow Cacao.
Astragalus - Speaking of immunity, astragalus is one adaptogen that excels in this category. Boosting white blood cells and increasing the bodies ability to ward of illness. As an "ounce of precaution equals a pound of cure", this is a good one to take before heading into the holiday and it's our super adaptogen in Totally Turmeric.
Goji berry - This is one of my favorite "make you glow" beauty adaptogens. We all want to show up looking and feeling our best. It's known to make one feel "happy and vigorous" by working directly on the liver. It has massive anti-aging properties, leaving you looking youthful and feeling fresh. Radical Beauty uses this powerful adaptogen to help you get your collagen + adaptogen fix.
Licorice - I think this one is underrated. It's super versatile and does so many wonderful things in the body. For instance, it has a direct impact on the HPA axis, making it wonderful for fatigue, elevated cortisol, and an impaired immune system (it's an immunomodulator afterall). It also helps with all gut disorders, especially the infamous leaky gut, which is why it's one of our Super Six adaptogens in our Kapow Cacao. Licorice can even help with perimenopause symptoms like hot flashes. However, if you have high blood pressure, licorice is not recommended.
And there you have it, Ayurvedic wisdom to keep us calm and healthy.
Happy Holidays everyone!
In good health,