Hello Summer and all things Pitta

Hello Summer and all things Pitta

Hello July! This is the height of Pitta season.  It's hot, and we're feelin it! 

Pitta is one of the 3 doshas in Ayurveda, vata and kapha being the other 2. Think you might be a pitta dominant person? Let’s see! 

Qualities (gunas) of Pitta: Hot, Sharp, light, Liquid, penetrating, oily and spreading

Tastes: sour and pungent 

Elements: water and fire 

Home: Small intestine

Season: Summer

Time of day: 10-2 (am and pm)

Time of life: Midlife

Body type: medium frame, strong and sharp features, medium weight, athletic build, bright eyes and focused gaze. 

Associated with: Burning and inflammation (not pain - that’s vata), assimilation of food to convert to energy, metabolism, inspired action (but not movement - that’s vata), hormones, minerals, memory, skin conditions, eyesight, the liver and small intestine, knowledge, wisdom and comprehension, anger and frustration. 

Pitta remedies: All things cooling! Aloe vera, cucumber, flowers, deep breaths, meditation, walks, swimming, pearls, moon bathing, shatavari, dry brushing, cold showers, reading, slowing down. 

Things to avoid or limit: spicy food, fermented food, alcohol, fights, competition, sun exposure, oily/fried food, processed food, hot climates, fasting for too long, smoking and drugs. 

Here's a fun way to find out how Pitta you really are. If you get a Bingo, you are most certainly pitta! 


Happy Pitta season!

In good health,


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